All Party Parliamentary Group on

Population, Development and Reproductive Health

Welcome to the website of the UK’s APPG

on Population, Development and Reproductive Health

2011-12 Annual Report published

Parliamentary Hearing report on child marriage

Royal Society launches People & Planet report

‘Sex, Ideology & Religion’ by Richard Ottaway MP

The Group aims to encourage initiatives to increase access to and improve reproductive and sexual health programmes worldwide.

The Group has over 70 members, from both the House of Commons and the House of Lords, representing the UK's main political parties.

We provide our members with a forum for discussing population, development and reproductive health issues.

Website updating: Apologies for any problems encountered while visiting this site. It is currently being updated so there may be a few minor, temporary disruptions.

Latest News… Latest News… Latest News… Latest News… Latest News… Latest News… Latest News…

…In May, parliamentarians from all over the world will come to London to discuss the future of family planning in international development! The APPG on PD&RH and European Parliamentary Forum in Population & Development are hosting a 2-day conference for parliamentarians in the Houses of Parliament 9-10th May - see media advisory.

…Baroness Jenny Tonge, chair of the APPG on PD&RH, speaks about women’s labour rights and development on Radio 2. Baroness Tonge on the Jeremy Vine show following the tragic building collapse in Bangladesh.

…UK MPs and peers: What more can we do to support survivors of rape in conflict?: Press release on International Women’s Day 2013.

…Vice-chair Richard Ottaway MP receives Best Essay award in the 33rd Population Institute Annual Global Media Awards for ‘Sex, Ideology, Religion: 10 Myths about World  Population Growth’

A Childhood Lost, the APPG’s report of their parliamentary hearing on child marriage, has been launched. The launch took place on 27th November in the House of Lords with Baroness Jenny Tonge, two survivors of child marriage and keynote speaker, Rt. Hon Andrew Mitchell MP. Download the report here.

…Celebrating fathers’ roles in the lives of children. See the MAMA exhibit, .

Site run by: Katie Dow