All Party Parliamentary Group on

Population, Development and Reproductive Health

About Us

All Party Parliamentary Groups (APPGs)


The APPG on Population, Development and Reproductive Health was one of the first APPGs to be established and has been operating since 1979. The group aims to raise parliamentary awareness on population, development and reproductive health issues, providing a forum for facilitating negotiations between key stakeholders and parliamentarians and encouraging initiatives that increase access to and improve reproductive and sexual health programmes worldwide.

The composition of the Group prior to the 2010 General Election was approximately 65% Members of Parliament and 35% Peers: 54% Labour, 25% Conservative and 21% Liberal Democrat and others. Nearly a third of members were women and just over two-thirds were men. The Group is run by a committee of Members drawn frm both Houses who are responsible for planning and managing its work.

Download our flyer here.

Committee Members

All Party Parliamentary Groups are a long-standing tradition in Westminster. They are constituted from across the political spectrum, with members from both the House of Commons and the House of Lords.

Like select committees, they must have membership from all the main political parties and are able to use parliamentary facilities. They enable MPs and Peers to meet and coordinate parliamentary activities on specialist subjects. Unlike select committees, they are voluntary and receive no parliamentary funding.


Baroness Tonge (LD)


Richard Ottaway MP (C)


Geoffrey Clifton-Brown MP (C)

Honorary Secretary:

Baroness Flather (XB)

Honorary Treasurer:

Lyn Brown MP (L)


Baroness Gould of Potternewton (L)


Baroness Massey of Darwen (L)


Baroness Thomas of  Walliswood (LD)


Lord Rea (L)

Site run by: Katie Dow