All Party Parliamentary Group on

Population, Development and Reproductive Health

Download the report here

A Childhood Lost: A Report on Child Marriage in the UK and the Developing World

From the foreword by Baroness Jenny Tonge:

Every three seconds, a girl is coerced or forced into marriage, losing her childhood, her dreams and the opportunity to make her own choices about her life and relationships.

These girls are expected to marry early, have children and forget about any life except serving those children, their husbands and families – if they survive long enough to do so. It is usually a grim prospect of suffering until they die.

This is not just bad news for the girls themselves, who often have no education as a consequence. It also means that too many children are born into a world that is already overpopulated and half of the productive population of a developing country cannot participate fully in their societies because they are uneducated and unable to contribute to the workforce. Countries where girls are educated, marry later and have fewer children show higher economic growth and a better standard of living for all.”

A Childhood Lost: Parliamentary Hearing on Child Marriage

Main Recommendations

For more on child marriage, see here:

Ford Foundation infographic

The UNFPA’s Marrying Too Young

Stephanie Sinclair’s photo exhibition, Child Brides

UK Forced Marriage Unit