All Party Parliamentary Group on

Population, Development and Reproductive Health

Special Activities

The Group holds regular briefing meetings for members to discuss current issues of concern

Membership of the Group is explicitly restricted to MPs and Peers. The sole purpose of the meetings is to allow MPs and Peers to hear about and debate current issues away from party politics. The All-Party Parliamentary Group on Population Development and Reproductive Health values its contacts with professionals working in the field outside parliament very highly. For each meeting, the Group tries to invite a small number of guests relevant to the subject under discussion to listen to presentations and, frequently, to contribute. There is no permanent invitation list, and we hope that colleagues understand that it is not possible to invite everyone who may wish to attend. If you work in the field of population, development and sexual and reproductive health and would like to be informed about future meetings, you can request to be added to the mailing list by emailing us.

The latest information about parliamentary activity is available from the commons news and lords news sections of this website, which detail parliamentary questions, Early Day Motions and parliamentary debates relating to population and sexual and reproductive health in the developing world and, where relevant, the UK.

APPG Activities

Site run by Katie Dow


Links to annual reports and newsletters from the APPG on PD&RH