All Party Parliamentary Group on

Population, Development and Reproductive Health

2012 Parliamentary Hearing:

Child Marriage

The APPG on PD&RH is holding a parliamentary hearing on the important and timely issue of child marriage.

A call for written evidence was issued and submissions are currently being considered. The hearings, at which experts will be invited to give oral evidence, will take place in the Houses of Parliament this June and a report will be published later in the year.

Using evidence to form and influence opinion

One of the special activities carried out by the APPG on Population, Development and Reproductive Health is to conduct Parliamentary Hearings. These hearings, which are held in Parliament every 2-3 years, focus on an issue of particular interest and with special relevance to the Group’s interests and members. On this page, you can find out more about the APPG’s parliamentary hearings and find links to the reports that have come out of these activities.

Prior to the hearings, a steering committee of APPG members, staff and representatives from relevant agencies is convened. Agencies with an interest in the topic of concern are invited to submit written evidence to the committee. These agencies include academic experts, specialist non-governmental organisations and charities, multilateral agencies and think-tanks. Following this, some agencies are selected to give oral evidence to the APPG’s parliamentarians at the hearings. Following this collection of evidence and date, a report is compiled with the guidance of the steering committee, which is then launched and disseminated.

Parliamentary Hearings

Hearing Reports

Better Off Dead: Maternal morbidity full report

The Return of the Population Factor: full report of the population growth hearing

The Missing Link: Linking sexual & reproductive heath and HIV/AIDS services - full report

FGM Hearings Report: full report of the hearing on female genital mutilation

Population Growth (2007)

Maternal Morbidity (2009)

Linking SRH & HIV (2004)

Female Genital Mutilation (2000)

Over the years, the APPG has held a number of hearings. These hearings have a reputation for promoting new thinking and for addressing issues that are of  contemporary importance. Links to details of previous hearings are available below.